Camping trips should be all carefree fun and adventure. No one wants to worry about thieves and RV security during a campground vacation. Although it’s not fun to think about, it’s important to consider your RV’s security.
This includes RV door security, making sure that no one can get into your camper when you’re not around. It also includes exterior safety features, like surveillance systems and RV security cameras. At Juniata Valley RV, we want to make sure your camping trip is fun and safe. We put together this list of RV security tips, from the basics to the high-tech methods.
Lock your doors
Sure, this one seems obvious. But sometimes there’s so much going on at the campsite it’s easy to forget. The best way to be sure you lock your RV doors is to make a habit of it. Lock your RV door as well as any exterior storage compartments when you leave the campsite. Even if the RV park you’re at seems safe and low-key, there’s no reason to risk it. Make a habit of locking your RV’s doors every time you leave, even if you only plan to be gone for a minute.
Close your blinds
Closing your blinds is another easy step you can take to improve your RV security. When you leave the campsite, be sure your RV’s windows, blinds and curtains are closed. Aside from security concerns, closing your blinds will block sunlight from shining into your RV and fading your furniture.
In addition to closing your blinds, it’s a good idea to hide expensive items. Anything valuable, like jewelry, tablets or cameras, should be tucked away before you leave. You can always invest in a safe, preferably one that can be bolted down, if you’re still worried about the safety of your irreplaceable items.
Leave the lights on
Another easy security precaution you can take in your RV or at home is leaving lights on – interior and exterior. Keeping your interior lights on while you’re gone, especially at night, makes it more difficult for potential thieves to determine whether or not you’re home. In addition, bright exterior lights can help deter thieves. Particularly motion-sensor RV security lights that will shine directly on anyone trying to break in.
Be neighborly
When you arrive at your campsite, whether you’re staying a few days or for the whole season, take the time to introduce yourself to your neighbors. Talk to those camping nearby and introduce them to your crew. This way you’ll have another set of eyes on your RV when you’re gone, and they’re more likely to notice if someone unfamiliar is at your campsite, trying your RV door, or messing with your camping supplies.
Put things away
Although it might seem tedious, putting your things away before leaving or going to sleep is an easy way to protect yourself from campground thieves. Clear your campsite of chairs, cooking equipment, firewood and anything else someone could steal. If you have items that won’t be easy to put away, like bikes, invest in a bike lock, for example, as an added layer of protection.
New locks
New RVs will come with standard factory locks and keys. These base-level RV locks are not very secure, only adding a minimum level of protection. We recommend investing in a new, sturdier or high-tech RV lock. You can easily install a keypad lock, requiring a code to enter your RV rather than a traditional key-entry lock that can be easily picked. Keyless entry for your RV is often safer, and you won’t have to worry about losing a key and being locked out.
RV security system
It’s a good idea to invest in an RV security system as well. This is more common with full-time RVers, but it’s a good idea for anyone wanting to ensure their camper is safe. Basic RV security systems are easy to install, using sensors that simply attach to doors and windows. These sensors will alert you when someone opens your door or window. You can also invest in RV security cameras. Security cameras are cheaper than ever, you can find them for as little as $20 on Amazon! They can live-stream to your phone or save video to a memory card. You can find RV security cameras that record constantly or activate with motion. Whatever you choose, an RV security system and camera is cheaper than ever before and an easy way to secure your camper.
Get a hitch guard
It’s not very common, but RV theft isn’t unheard of. The downside of having a towable home is knowing that anyone can hitch their truck up and tow it away. While no one wants to think about this nightmare situation, there are steps you can take to prevent it. We recommend purchasing a hitch guard. You can lock a hitch guard onto your trailer hitch, making it impossible for anyone to tow your RV away without unlocking and removing the guard.
No one wants to think about the potential for theft when trying to enjoy a campground vacation, but it’s always possible. Give yourself peace of mind with our RV security tips. Whether you implement new habits of locking your RV or purchase a new RV security camera, there are plenty of ways to deter thieves.
If you’re looking for a new RV, Juniata Valley RV is here for you! We have new and used travel trailers, tiny campers and motorhomes in stock at our Pennsylvania RV dealership. Stop by to purchase a new RV or shop our inventory online. If your RV needs security installations or service, our service department might be able to help you. We even have a parts store with RV locks and other security features. Call us or contact us online to find out how we can help you protect your RV from theft.